Jewelry News

Mixing & Matching Jewelry

gold chain necklace

Mix It Up

The rules used to state that mixing metals was something to avoid. While you should follow the rules of taste depending on where you work, there is a lot more freedom now to do what you want with jewelry.  You can mix metals. Go ahead and combine gold and silver. Wear rings on whatever fingers you like. There is no longer a hard and fast rule about the left ring finger for marriage or engagement rings only. It’s great to choose jewelry sets that you can mix and match together. You can pair special jewelry with everyday jewelry. Your jewelry should be an extension of your personality and who you are. Add on the pieces you love, and wear your daily jewelry with confidence. 

Chains Chains Chains…

Gold, Silver, Platinum Chains…  2021 will see certain statement pieces make a big comeback, and one of those statement looks is large, chunky chain necklaces and bracelets. Chains don’t always have to be delicate, and even the most intricate outfits could benefit from something bold. Whether it be silver, gold or platinum, accessories like this will up the ante on any outfit.

From chunky to fine, chain necklaces are having a moment, remixed to lend edge and polish to cuddly stay-at-home outfits.

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make
the better.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rollo 23K Platinum Chain Necklace
Rollo 23K Platinum Chain Necklace ONLYWAY JEWELRY
Festival Chunky Multi Chained combined bracelet
Festival Chunky Multi Chained Bracelet Sterling Silver ONLYWAY JEWELRY
Singapore multi chain necklace onlyway jewelry
Singapore Multi Chain Necklace Sterling Silver ONLYWAY JEWELRY
Discotheque Multi Chain Necklace Sterling Silver ONLYWAY JEWELRY
Discotheque Multi Chain Necklace Sterling Silver ONLYWAY JEWELRY